Last updated: 2017/04/14
Click here for other units available at Mercury Lofts
3810 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Offerred At: $2,300
Sold Price: $2,200
Sold Date: 2011/11/27
List Date:2011/10/31
List Price/SQFT: $2.53
Leased Price/SQFT: $2.42
Days on Market: 27
Bedrooms: 2
Baths: 2
SQFT: 910
Pet Friendly: Yes
Laundry: Inside
Parking Space(s): 2
Mills Act: No
Live Work: Yes
Outstanding modern-luxury high-rise condo. High-ceiling and stunning view of skydeck withswimming pool and fitness center.All convenient facilities are nearby.Subway station is across the street.
Constructed: Claude Beelman - 1963
Modernized: Forest City Development - 2006
Click here for more information about Mercury Lofts
Listing courtesy of Choong Hoon Oh from WILSHIRE REAL ESTATE
Photos courtesy of CLAW MLS
Information deemed accurate but is not gauranteed. (Disclaimer)
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